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The Prophet Enoch

The seventh generation from Adam, and the purported eponymous writer of the book which bears his name, it is Enoch who provides us with so many of the details that otherwise are unaccountably missing from the Book of Genesis. The specific nature of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, the exploits of the two hundred Watchers who descended from heaven after seeing the comely 'daughters of men', the havoc wreaked by their notorious offspring, the Nephilim, and the real reasons behind the Flood, can all be found in this book, together with an astonishing passage of a vision of Enoch's journey to the celestial realms. In another culture Enoch's remarkable visions would be considered shamanic, akin to the accounts of Black Elk and others. Why Enoch's book never made it into the Biblical canon is a mystery, and scripture is the poorer for it. My portrait imagines Enoch in later years, reflecting on his life of visions as the elderly Black Elk looked back on his own visions from the heights of Harney Peak.


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