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Asherah was the consort of the northern Canaanite storm god El, known as Baal (a title meaning 'Lord'). When El evolved into the Israelite god Yahweh ('Jehovah') Asherah continued as his consort until she was expunged from the texts by those seeking to create a male-only omnipotent deity. Her shadowy presence continues to be felt when in Genesis God refers to the plural forms of 'we' and 'us', meaning himself and Asherah. This goddess was seen as embodying the Tree of Life (which, along with the Tree of Knowledge, was found in Eden) and traditionally this tree was seen as sustaining all life, usually depicted in the form of two goats which feed on its branches. Christian tradition sought to eliminate the goddess. The life-giving and life-sustaining Asherah was its victim.


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